Trick Tips



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Ollie:1)stand on the board with your back foot on the tail and your front foot in the middle of the deck.

2)crouch down til your hands are almost touching the ground

3)slam down on the tail while sliding the blade of your front foot up torwards the tail.

4)jump up off your back foot and tuck both knees into your chest.

5)extend your legs slightly to prepare for the shock of the landing.

6)land and absorb the force in your legs.

7)ride off.

Frontside 180 Ollie:To frontside 180 ollie you must be able to ollie.Frist,you ollie and right when you ollie turn your body left if your goofy and right if you are regular.

Backside 180 Ollie:
The Backside 180 ollie is not much different than the frontside 180 ollie, in that, you're still turning a 180, but you are turning forwards instead of backwards.

To learn the backside 180 ollie, it is recomended that you learn the ollie and the frontside 180 ollie first. Once learned you may attempt the trick.

When doing the backside 180 ollie, you would need to rely on your windup a lot more than that of the frontside 180 ollie. You must windup as muchas possible, and then release that windup and spin 180 with the board.

If you have a lot of trouble with spinning all the way around, try doing half-cabs instead. They are easier for some people.

The Kickflip:
In order to learn the kickflip, it is necessary that you learn the ollie.

Now that you have learned it, I want you to get on your board in an ollie stance. Okay, we're going to have to alter this stance a little. Take you front foot and put it right before the front bolts. Now turn it 45 degrees. The ball of your back foot should be in the middle of your tail.

Now to actually do the trick. First you gotta pop down your tail real hard, just like an ollie, so you begin to get off the ground.

As you rise, you should slide your foot the way you do for an ollie, but you want to slide off the heel edge of your board also.

Now you better have your feet outta the way. However you gotta do it, do it.

Wait for the board to spin around, and stay well above it. When it comes around bring your feet back in and catch it. The best place for your feet to catch the board is right on top of all the bolts. You want to "catch" or "grab" it in the air with your feet, and then bend your knees a little because the ground is coming.

When your board hits the ground (and you should be on it at this point...), you need to use your legs like shocks on a car, and obsorbe the landing.

Ride away looking cool, because you just did one of the harder basic tricks to master.

Sex Change:

This is a good trick to learn after you have learned how to kickflip and your to lazy to learn how to heel flip.

1. Start out with you feet in the normal position to kickflip.

2. Now smash the board down and do a kickflip but be sure to get high above the board.

3. Then while the board is spinning do a body varial and land it.

4. Try to land with both feet covering the bolts.

5. Ride away and see if the stupid person watching you even noticed the difference.

The Pop Shove-it:
Before you attempt this trick, as for most tricks, you ought to know the ollie first.

The first thing you need to do is give it a "pop" (Slam down on that tail.) Now "shove-it" around with your front foot so that the board turns a 180, but you stay in the same place. You ought to learn it standing in place first, and then learn it fakie. After that you can attempt it moving forward.

You can place your feet in different positions for this trick. It all depends on you. Some put their feet sort of the way you would for a kickflip. Others put one foot about on the middle facing straight forward and the other facing straight forward on the tail.

Remember when you do it to jump forward. Because if you just spin out the board and stay in the same place, your board will just fly out and you will look stupid. We wouldn't want that...

Note: There are different ways to do this, we will just explain our way. We're not perfect, and it's not normal. If you want perfect, go somewhere else.

Keep your back toe on the center of the tail. Your front foot should be at a little bit more than a 45 degree angle. It should be in the center of the board with your toe hanging over the toe edge.

Hit the tail. As you do this, slide your front foot forward at an angle and just before it hits the nose, bend your foot/angle it and flip the board over the toe edge with the toe of your foot. Jump.

Wait for the board to rotate. When it comes around, bring knees up and stop it with your feet.

When you land, as with the kickflip

Varial Flip:
It is essential that you know the pop shove-it and kickflip before attempting this sic trick. Then you will be cool to go for it.

The best way to put your feet is with your back foot on the toe edge of the tail, and with your front foot at about a 45 degree angle and your toe on the heel edge. It should be about 2 or 3 inches from the bolts.

This whole thing is simultaneous. Hit the tail (duh.). Push your back foot to the heel edge like a pop shove-it. Slide your front foot forward and towards the edge, flipping the board. Try to keep your board underneath your feet. Try to keep your feet out of the way while it is flippin' around. Then when it has turned a 180 and flipped "catch the board", as in get your feet back into the normal position for riding in the air. Got all that dummy?

In order to do the nollie you must become quite formiliar with the switch-stance ollie. Then you should begin riding normal (If you're goofy ride goofy and if regular then ride accordingly). As you are moving, set up your feet for a switch ollie off the nose

The Nollie Flip

1) Set up going forward just like you do a kickflip, but in the nollie position.

2) You should already know how to nollie and flip the board, nollie.

3) Before you try landing them going nollie, try switch kickflips on carpet or on grass.

4) Once you can land them, try them going nollie.

5) Hit the nose and flip the board whichever way you feel most comfortable.

6) It helps to jump really high to have more accuracy when you land on the board.

7) Balance your weight and ride away

360 Flip
To do a 360 flip, you should first be able to do a varial flip and 360 Pop Shove-it. First put your back foot on the back right edge of the board (back left edge if you are goofy) and put it at an angle so it is on the very edge of the tail. Then put your front foot a couple inches towards you from the middle of the board and then slant your foot the same way you did on your back foot. Now it's time to do the trick.

Set up bend your knees and hit your tail while sliding your front foot forward. Through your back foot behind you as quickly as you can as you hit your til spinning the board till it rotates all the way around. While doing this slide your front foot off the edge of the board using your toe to flip it. Your board does not have to go high just as long as it gets around. You can work on the hieght later. Once it has finished rotating catch the board with your feet and land on it

Do a fakie (riding backwards)do a frontside ollie.

The Frontside Half-cab Flip
To perform a frontside halfcab flip, you must first be able to do frontside flips fairly well. Place your feet in a normal stance for a frontside flip. It may be easier if you put your front foot farther up. This will help with balance. Do this trick the same way you would for a frontside flip only lnstead of landing fakie land in your regular stance.

Backside Half-cab Flip:
1. Start out by riding in fakie position with a good amount of speed.
2. The ball of your back foot should be on the edge of the tail and your front foot should be in the middle of the board with the front half of your foot on just like a varial flip.
3. Crouch down to get power but make sure you don't lose your balance.
4. Slap your tail down and bring your back foot under you to make it spin 180. At the same time kick your front foot off the side just enough to get it to spin. Remember, when you make the board flip, try to keep your feet above the board and don't flip it too hard.
5. During all of that, spin yourself backside 180. It's very important that you turn all the way 180.
6. When you and the board are finished spinning, land and keep going.

This trick, along with the Half Cab, was invented by a professional skateboarder, Steve Cabalero.

A cabalero is a fakie (riding backwards) 360. Your body and board ollie, and then turn all the way around in the air.

Ride fakie. The easier way is to try this backside. Hit your tail, jump high, and swing your body around 360 as fast as you can. Your feet and board follow closely behind you. Try not to let your board flip under your feet.

Land. If you did it right, you'll be riding fakie again. Just remember, you have to spin real fast.

A big spin is a 360 pop shove-it with a backside body varial. OR... a backside 180 with an extra pop shove-it.

To do a big spin you should first know how to do backside 180's and pop shove-it's. Once you can do those you should be ready to attempt a big spin. Even though a big spin sounds hard, it really isn't

You should first try a big spin riding fakie (backwards). Ride fakie. Then wind up your body like you are going to backside half-cab. Then ollie and unwind. As you spin around towards your stomach and are about to land kick your board ian the same direction you are spinning. In other words you should make the board continue its previous spin and speed up faster than you are so that it spins another 180 really quickly before you land it.

Ride away cleanly.

Hardflip:For a hard flip, place your back foot on the tail and your front foot pointed somewhat forward near the heel edge. Hit the tail while sliding your front foot off of the board making it seem to come straight up at you. It will look like it is going to do a flip and land upside down, but with practice you will learn to make it perform a half-flip and land on its wheels. (You may want to try this without trying to land it the first couple of times.) At the same time, you will want to be rotating your body 90 in the frontside direction letting the board flip between your legs. When the board has finished rotating, rotate your body back to your normal stance and catch the board before it hits the ground. Land and ride away clean.

The Outward Heelflip
To perform an outward heelflip, you must first be able to do heelflips and frontside pop shove-its regularly.

Place your front foot hanging over the toe edge with only your heel on the board with your back foot on the tail like you would for a frontside pop shove-it. Hit the tail and push your back foot forward like you would so it would rotate the 180. While doing this, kick your front foot off the edge of the board to make it flip. when it has finished flipping, catch it with your feet. If by this time it has not rotated the complete 180, push it around all the way with your feet. Your wieght may tend to be on your back foot and towards the tow edge, so be sure to evenly distribute your weight across the board. Land and ride away cleanly

Inward Heelflip
1. Place feet in backside heelflip position. Basically put your front foot like a normal heelflip and put your backfoot like you would for a backside 180. Pretty logical stance. No reason to complicate it.
2. Pop a shuvit with your back foot.
3. When it is at 90 degrees flip the board with your heel (kick your heel forward rather than towards the nose and out).
4. Tuck your legs up high so the board doesnt hit your legs. You almost have to wrap your flipping foot around the board (like a saran wrap) if you don't.
5. When you see the griptape side up slam your feet down hard over the trucks to prevent slipiing out and falling.

The Frontside Flip
For a frontside flip, put your front foot on the heel edge of the board and have about half of your foot on the board. (This may vary for different people on how the prefer to place their feet. This is how I (Feeble) do them. Put your back foot on the tail, as you normally would for a frontside 180. Hit your tail like you would for a frontside 180 while sliding your front foot off the edge of the board flipping it around. It can either go between your legs or it can stay below your feet. I think that when it goes between your legs it gives you more style, but its not always as easy. If it stays below your feet, make sure it rotates a complete 180 and flips all the way around. When it has completed it flipping, catch it as soon as possible. If at this time it has not finished rotating the 180, push out your back foot to make it finish and ride away fakie. If you want to flip it between your legs, flip it like you would a hard flip, but instead of lnading in your normal stance do a body varial and land fakie. It may be easier to perform the body varial if you put your front foot more towards the edge of the board.

The Pressure Flip:
1. Place your back foot on the edge of the tail and your front in the middle of the board just like an ollie

2. Pop the board with your back foot and slide your front foot forward to straighten the board out (just like and ollie).

3. Heres the hard part, while in the air, kick your BACK foot out flipping the board with your back foot. Be sure to get that foot out of the way while the board is flipping

4. When the board flips in one full rotation, plant your feet on the board and ride away smoothly.

this trick may be hard at first, but hey, i learned it so anyone can.

Sall Flip:Prepare for an ollie and hold leading hand out in front of you ready to grab the nose

Have your palm facing out so that your hand is twisted.

Ollie and kick the board up into your hand. Make sure your hand grabs the board with your fingers on the grip side.

Twist your wrist around so the griptape is facing upwards.

Spin the board in front of you in a 360 shov-it motion.

once the board has done a full 360 and your wrist can't turn anymore put the board back under your feet.

Or Rail Slide
This is a relatively easy move. To do this you must be able to ollie, if you can do that then here is how it goes.

1) Approach the thing that you're going to slide at a straight angle about half a foot away from it at a good speed that you feel comforble at.
2) When you come up next to it do a 90* ollie on to the thing you're going to slide.
3) When you land on the thing you're going to slide put your weight on to your heels. (If you are sliding the way you're facing.)
4) If you did that right the board will slide. Now to get off this depends on what you are sliding on. If its one of those bike racks that you turn upside down or anything that just stops with nothing in the way of your wheals then all you do is turn your body (and feet) the way you want to get off. But if it does corner or there are things in the way of your wheals then you are going to have to go up on a 30* angleto clear it.
This can be a cool looking move. When you get good at it you can slide things quite long. To do this you need more speed.
Frontside Boardslide:Note: Must know how to ollie

1) Approach the object at a pretty fast speed. On this trick, if you go to slow you will stick and fall on your back.

2) Now approaching frontside, ollie at a 90 degree angle and slide.

3) While you are sliding center you lower body out with the rail. Your upper body should be turned around so you can see where you are going and it gives you better balance.

4) As you approach the end of your obstacle, turn out 90 degrees and role away and show off.

Note: This is a difficult trick to some people. Don't give up.

The 50-50 Grind
Approach the ledge or rail you are going to grind either at a 45 degree angle or less. (I find the the 45 degree angle a little bit more difficult to pull-off, but easier get onto.)

Ollie at an angle with your front foot first and your back foot following until you land on the ledge/rail. You want to ollie just high enough to get on, but not too high or you will slam your trucks really hard. Once you start sliding, keep your weight over the center of the board. If possible, have your back foot on the tail. On curbs and low ledges, you can just roll out of it sometimes, but if it is higher you either need to drop or ollie out of it. to drop it, just keep your weight over the back truck and manual until you fall. To ollie out, pop the tail and fall to the ground. When you land, keep your weight centered and try not to slip out. Stay balanced and ride away smooth.

50-50 180 Out
A 50-50 180out is obviously where you 50-50 and then 180 off the ledge, hence the name "50-50 180out"This trick is pretty dope, but basic.

The first thing is to learn 50-50s and 180s off curbs. aprouch at a moderate speed, but the faster the better. Get into your 50-50.

ollie into it so that your feet land solid, with one on the tail & one above the front bolts. Now it's time to whip out those 180 skill's of your.

Do a 180 off the ledge, but do it with you feet in that solid position. Roll off fakie as your poser friends stare and realize they can't do that.

Nose Grind
Approach the ledge at a good speed. (Never slow!)
When you reach your ledge (a VERY slight angle), make sure that your front foot is near the 2 back bolts on the front truck.
Ollie high enough for the front truck to be a little bit above the ledge.
In the air, put pressure on the nose of the deck so that the board's front truck is on the ledge. Then push foward so that it will grind more easily.
When you are at the end of the ledge lean back just a little so you can get off of it and land.
Nose Slide
Note: This trick is for people who skateboard regular foot. If you are goofy, just reverse everything.

1)Roll at a good pace toward the object.
2)Try and be either parallel to the object or rolling towards it at a slight angle.
3)When you're close enough, pop the board up and turn the board so it meets the object with it's nose. Tip - When trying to turn the board, use your body and your legs at the same time, you want to have your body facing sideways to the object.
4)Slide, Slide, Slide...
5)If you want to loand regular, simply lean your back foot backwards 90 degrees near the end, as well as your body and legs. If you want to land switch, lean forward when your sliding and turn your body and legs 90 degrees forward.
6)Roll away.

Hints and Tips - To land the trick regular or switch, you need to use both your body and your legs to turn, no just your feet. If helps in you lean forward to land switch, and lean back if you want to land regular
Backside Noseslide, Shove-it Out
. roll up to whatever your gonna grind parallel to it (or at an angle if it is more comfortable)

2. (you can to this the lame way or the cool looking way) pop an ollie and nose slide like you would regular

3. as you are sliding keep alot of pressure on the nose and put your front foot a little behind the bolts, then very quickly slide your back foot the opposite way your grinding, and your front foot the way youre grinding, so you have your back foot stuck out behind you and your front foot suck out in front of you, like your doing the splits. jump pretty high and when you see the board come back around, catch it with both feet and ride off lookin cool, because you just landed a simple but cool looking trick

Smith Grind
Approach the obstacle from a slight angle. It helps to have a little bit of speed to be able to slide well. Hit the tail and ollie onto the obstacle, but turn a little similar to a 180, but not all the way around. The smith grind is kind of between a lipslide and a 50-50. Get your back truck on and point your nose down so your board is sliding as well. Keep your back foot on the tail and your front foot as near to the front bolts as possible. remember to keep some weight on your back foot so that you canslide, because if you put too much weight on your front foot you will stick and fall forward. Also remember not to put too much weight on your back foot, because then you will go into a 5-0 grind and you dont want to do that damnit, because your doing a smith. Slide until youre ready to come off, or until the obstacle ends. If the obstacle ends, simply slide off and adjust your weight level over the board to land and ride away. If it doesnt end, try to do a sort of ollie off the obstacle by hitting your tail and popping off. Land level and ride away
Feeble Grind
A feeble is a cross between a 50-50 and a boardslide. Ride up to the obstacle at a slight angle, but not too much. Ollie like youre gonna do a 50-50 but point your front truck over the obstacleso your board is sliding as well. Keep your back foot on the tail and your front foot as near to the front bolts as possible. Remember to keep some weight on your back foot so that you canslide, because if you put too much weight on your front foot you will stick and fall forward. Also remember not to put too much weight on your back foot, because then you will go into a 5-0 grind and you dont want to do that damnit, because your doing a feeble. If the obstacle ends, simply slide off and adjust your weight level over the board to land and ride away. If it doesnt end, try to do a sort of ollie and pivit off the obstacle by hitting your tail and popping off. Land level and ride away.

Dark Slide

To do a Frontside Darksilde first you need to know how to boardslide, kickflip, and how to do shove-its out of boardslides. Start by aproaching the object (flatbars are the best) as you would for a fronstide boardslide but more room for the ollie. Start by putting your front foot near the bolts (this is so when you kickflip the board will not spin all the way around) next, ollie and do a kickfip. Make sure it only goes half way around, duh! now the hard part. You have to catch your board by the trucks with your feet on the opposite ends of the board. After you manage to do this slide the rail as far as possible. Getting off is no easy task either. I find the best way is to pick up your front foot and move it out and up. The board will then turn rightside up. After this turn your body and come off fakie.(this sounds harder, but trust me, its alot easier this way.) Land with your knees bent and roll away.

good luck